Writing your own project

Embedding noflo programs

Running via the command line

run the graph with: noflo-nodejs --debug graphs/Canadianness.fbp

Running tests

npm test

1) the same as our tests, if we want to run in the browser

noflo = require 'noflo'
unless noflo.isBrowser()
  baseDir = __dirname
  baseDir = '/canadianness'

2) create our basic ComponentLoader:

noflo = require 'noflo'
unless noflo.isBrowser()
  baseDir = __dirname
  baseDir = '/canadianness'

# @async
canadianness = ->
  loader = new noflo.ComponentLoader baseDir
  # project name / graph or component name
  loader.load 'canadianness/Canadianness', (err, instance) ->
    throw err if err

3) create & attach our InternlSockets (these are used behind the scenes when you attach two components together)

noflo = require 'noflo'
unless noflo.isBrowser()
  baseDir = __dirname
  baseDir = '/canadianness'

canadianness = (args, cb) ->
  loader = new noflo.ComponentLoader baseDir
  # project name / graph or component name
  loader.load 'canadianness/Canadianness', (err, instance) ->
    throw err if err
    instance.once 'ready', ->

      # outPorts
      score = noflo.internalSocket.createSocket()
      emotion = noflo.internalSocket.createSocket()

      # inPorts
      spelling = noflo.internalSocket.createSocket()
      words = noflo.internalSocket.createSocket()
      content = noflo.internalSocket.createSocket()

      # attach them
      instance.inPorts.content.attach content
      instance.inPorts.spelling.attach spelling
      instance.inPorts.words.attach words
      instance.outPorts.score.attach score
      instance.outPorts.emotion.attach emotion

3) listen for the outPorts data:

noflo = require 'noflo'
unless noflo.isBrowser()
  baseDir = __dirname
  baseDir = '/canadianness'

canadianness = (args, cb) ->
  loader = new noflo.ComponentLoader baseDir
  # project name / graph or component name
  loader.load 'canadianness/Canadianness', (err, instance) ->
    throw err if err
    instance.once 'ready', ->

      # outPorts
      score = noflo.internalSocket.createSocket()
      emotion = noflo.internalSocket.createSocket()

      # inPorts
      spelling = noflo.internalSocket.createSocket()
      words = noflo.internalSocket.createSocket()
      content = noflo.internalSocket.createSocket()

      # attach them
      instance.inPorts.content.attach content
      instance.inPorts.spelling.attach spelling
      instance.inPorts.words.attach words
      instance.outPorts.score.attach score
      instance.outPorts.emotion.attach emotion

      scoreData = null
      emotionData = null

      score.on 'data', (data) ->
        scoreData = data

      emotion.on 'data', (data) ->
        emotionData = data

4) arguments

noflo = require 'noflo'
unless noflo.isBrowser()
  baseDir = __dirname
  baseDir = '/canadianness'

canadianness = (args, cb) ->
  spellingData = args['spelling']
  wordsData = args['words']
  # debugging [optional]
  debug = args['debug'] or false
  contentData = args['content']

  loader = new noflo.ComponentLoader baseDir
  # project name / graph or component name
  loader.load 'canadianness/Canadianness', (err, instance) ->
    throw err if err

    instance.once 'ready', ->

      # outPorts
      score = noflo.internalSocket.createSocket()
      emotion = noflo.internalSocket.createSocket()

      # inPorts
      spelling = noflo.internalSocket.createSocket()
      words = noflo.internalSocket.createSocket()
      content = noflo.internalSocket.createSocket()

      # attach them
      instance.inPorts.content.attach content
      instance.inPorts.spelling.attach spelling
      instance.inPorts.words.attach words
      instance.outPorts.score.attach score
      instance.outPorts.emotion.attach emotion

      # scoped variables since we don't know which data comes in first
      scoreData = null
      emotionData = null

      score.on 'data', (data) ->
        scoreData = data
        if emotionData
          cb emotionData, scoreData

      emotion.on 'data', (data) ->
        emotionData = data
        if scoreData
          cb emotionData, scoreData

5) debugging:

using flowtrace

noflo = require 'noflo'
trace = require('noflo-runtime-base').trace

unless noflo.isBrowser()
  baseDir = __dirname
  baseDir = '/canadianness'

canadianness = (args, cb) ->
  spellingData = args['spelling']
  wordsData = args['words']
  # debugging [optional]
  debug = args['debug'] or false
  contentData = args['content']

  loader = new noflo.ComponentLoader baseDir
  # project name / graph or component name
  loader.load 'canadianness/Canadianness', (err, instance) ->
    throw err if err

    if debug
      # instantiate our Tracer
      tracer = new trace.Tracer()

    instance.once 'ready', ->
      if debug
        tracer.attach instance.network


      # outPorts
      score = noflo.internalSocket.createSocket()
      emotion = noflo.internalSocket.createSocket()

      # inPorts
      spelling = noflo.internalSocket.createSocket()
      words = noflo.internalSocket.createSocket()
      content = noflo.internalSocket.createSocket()

      # attach them
      instance.inPorts.content.attach content
      instance.inPorts.spelling.attach spelling
      instance.inPorts.words.attach words
      instance.outPorts.score.attach score
      instance.outPorts.emotion.attach emotion

      # scoped variables since we don't know which data comes in first
      scoreData = null
      emotionData = null

      # when we listen for data, we can call this
      # to check if both have received data
      # when they have, call the callback
      # and then, if we are debugging, write the trace
      # and log where we wrote it to
      finished = ->
        return unless scoreData? and emotionData?
        cb emotionData, scoreData

        if debug
          tracer.dumpFile null, (err, f) ->
            throw err if err
            console.log 'Wrote flowtrace to', f

      # listen for data
      score.on 'data', (data) ->
        scoreData = data

      emotion.on 'data', (data) ->
        emotionData = data

      # send the data
      words.send wordsData
      spelling.send spellingData
      content.send contentData

6) using it:

noflo = require 'noflo'
trace = require('noflo-runtime-base').trace

unless noflo.isBrowser()
  baseDir = __dirname
  baseDir = '/canadianness'

canadianness = (args, cb) ->
  spellingData = args['spelling']
  wordsData = args['words']
  # debugging [optional]
  debug = args['debug'] or false
  contentData = args['content']

  loader = new noflo.ComponentLoader baseDir
  # project name / graph or component name
  loader.load 'canadianness/Canadianness', (err, instance) ->
    throw err if err

    if debug
      # instantiate our Tracer
      tracer = new trace.Tracer()

    instance.once 'ready', ->
      if debug
        tracer.attach instance.network


      # outPorts
      score = noflo.internalSocket.createSocket()
      emotion = noflo.internalSocket.createSocket()

      # inPorts
      spelling = noflo.internalSocket.createSocket()
      words = noflo.internalSocket.createSocket()
      content = noflo.internalSocket.createSocket()

      # attach them
      instance.inPorts.content.attach content
      instance.inPorts.spelling.attach spelling
      instance.inPorts.words.attach words
      instance.outPorts.score.attach score
      instance.outPorts.emotion.attach emotion

      # scoped variables since we don't know which data comes in first
      scoreData = null
      emotionData = null

      # when we listen for data, we can call this
      # to check if both have received data
      # when they have, call the callback
      # and then, if we are debugging, write the trace
      # and log where we wrote it to
      finished = ->
        return unless scoreData? and emotionData?
        cb emotionData, scoreData

        if debug
          tracer.dumpFile null, (err, f) ->
            throw err if err
            console.log 'Wrote flowtrace to', f

      # listen for data
      score.on 'data', (data) ->
        scoreData = data

      emotion.on 'data', (data) ->
        emotionData = data

      # send the data
      words.send wordsData
      spelling.send spellingData
      content.send contentData

canadianness {spelling: spellingData, words: listData, content: 'eh', debug: true}, (score, emotion) ->
  console.log score, emotion

when the flowtrace has been written, we can copy and paste the location of that log and then show the trace:

$ flowtrace-show <JSON-TRACE-LOCATION>

flowtrace graph

7) Shorter

now that you know how to do it yourself, if you choose, you can use a library to achieve the same thing more easily, fbp-spec

Tester = require 'noflo-tester'

canadianness = (args, cb) ->
  spellingData = args['spelling']
  wordsData = args['words']
  # debugging [optional]
  debug = args['debug'] or false
  contentData = args['content']

  ness = new Tester 'canadianness/Canadianness', trace: true
  ness.start (err, instance) ->
    return throw err if err

    # using noflo-tester, you can
    # [receive from multiple outports](https://github.com/trustmaster/noflo-tester#receiving-from-multiple-output-ports)
    scoreData = null
    emotionData = null
      score: (data) ->
        scoreData = data
      remainder: (data) ->
        emotionData = data
    .then ->
      cb emotionData, scoreData

    # send the data
    # send an object to Tester, the properties are the ports
      words: wordsData
      spelling: spellingData
      content: contentData