Find Ehs
1) define our ports
noflo = require 'noflo'
exports.getComponent = ->
c = new noflo.Component
description: 'Find all of the instances of `word` in `content` and send them out in a stream'
datatype: 'string' # could be array|string, which would be `all`
description: 'the word we are looking for instances of'
control: true
required: true
datatype: 'string'
description: 'the content which we look for the word in'
required: true
surrounding: # could use a regex but this is a specific case
datatype: 'boolean'
description: 'whether to get surrounding characters, symbols before and after until space'
default: false # if nothing is sent to it, this is the default when `get`ting from it
control: true
datatype: 'string'
description: 'the resulting findings as a stream of data packets'
required: true
2) define our precondition
noflo = require 'noflo'
exports.getComponent = ->
# we are only using data,
# so we do not need any brackets sent to the inPorts, pass them along
# control ports do not have brackets,
# so we don't need to do anything special with them
c.forwardBrackets =
content: 'matches'
c.process (input, output) ->
# if it is not data, remove it from the buffer
return input.buffer.get().pop() if input.ip.type isnt 'data'
# make sure we have data in the required inPorts
return unless input.has 'word', 'content', (ip) -> ip.type is 'data'
3) define our process
# a helper to match all on a string
matchAll = (string, regexp) ->
matches = []
string.replace regexp, ->
arr = [] arguments, 0
extras = arr.splice -2
arr.index = extras[0]
arr.input = extras[1]
matches.push arr
if matches.length then matches else []
# since regexing will give the `index` and the `input`, we only want the match
actualMatches = (matches) ->
# because we want to send out an empty array if there are no matches
return [[]] if matches.length is 0 (match) -> match[0]
# since we are sending out multiple `data` IPs, we want to wrap them in brackets
output.send matches: new noflo.IP 'openBracket', content
# get the data from our in ports
word = input.getData 'word'
content = input.getData 'content'
# do our word processing
r = /([.?!]*eh[.?!]*)/gi
matches = matchAll content, r
matches = actualMatches matches
# for each of our matches, send them out
for match in matches
# if you just send content, it will automatically put it in a data ip
# so this is the same as `output.send matches: new noflo.IP 'data', match`
output.send matches: match
# this is the same as doing `output.send` and then `output.done`
output.sendDone matches: new noflo.IP 'closeBracket', content
See the component